Monday, August 11, 2008

technically challenged

I've wasted a good hour looking for a new template or something pretty or cute for my blog. I could not find anything I really love, but I did figure out how to add a picture behind my title. That is one of my favorites, taken a year ago on our last trip to New Zealand to see my family.

Oh to be there right now where it is winter and we can bundle up in sweaters and enjoy the outdoors. Cooler weather is still months away in Texas, although I'm sure all the stores are getting all their "fall" clothes in, yeah right! We are really going to send our kids off to school in a cute little sweater?! If we're lucky the weather may be cool enough for that sort of thing by Thanksgiving ;)

I will have to wait until next year to be doing this again.....

But we're planning on going in June, so we can enjoy some cooler weather and get away from the Texas heat for a month!

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