Sunday, February 8, 2009

Texas State Railroad

This weekend we went to ride the train, it was a 1.5 hour trip each way from Palestine to Rusk. It was a really nice and relaxing way to spend a Saturday. It was a Snoopy Valentine theme - they read the book and had Peanuts music playing and Snoppy came through the train, big fun for the kids, and Kate is finally not scared of "dressed up people"! They also gave out the heart headbands and on the return trip cookies and punch.

This afternoon we went looking at houses as we finally got an offer on our house after being for sale for 5 months. We have narrowed it down to a couple of favorites, and should be making a decision this week, and maybe will be able to move spring break week.


  1. These pics are awesome Anna, you guys look like you had a great time!

  2. I love the pics! I am glad to see the train pictures - how long was the ride? We have been big chickens about taking the kids on that train!!

  3. that looks like so much fun! great pics anna!


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