Monday, May 25, 2009

Time at the farm and another furniture "re-do"

We visited Chris' aunt and cousins today at the family farm in East Texas. It was a good day to be out and enjoying the outdoors. On the drive out there I started reading Oh My Stars by Lorna Landvik - I have read 2 or 3 other books by her, it is a good book!

The kids enjoyed some of this swinging:

we enjoyed wildflowers on our walk.

some of the locals thought we were coming to feed them - see one of these things not like the others?

Thomas was a happy boy, plenty of rocks and sticks to collect on this walk.

and plenty of this swinging for my girl who has always loved to swing

and here is what we brought back - this cedar chest has been in Chris' family since the 1960s, so not an antique, but I guess you could call it 'vintage'.

it has seen better days though, some of the wood veneer was broken, and some scratches and damage on the top.

After some white semi gloss spray paint

Right now it is in the front living room and it's a place for some pillows and to sit under my black and white picture from IKEA that reminds me of walking down that road at the farm.

One day when we get a new couch in here this may make a good coffee table, or it may make it's way upstairs to my bedroom for extra storage.


  1. Love it Anna! Great piece and you put it in the perfect spot. ;o) East Texas is one of my favorite places to be, I have always loved it.

  2. Hey Anna - i love your cedar chest makeover ... great photos too!!

  3. What town did y'all visit? And that! You did great!!

  4. the closest towns out there are Grapeland and Elkhart, the closest "big" town is Palestine


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