Friday, May 8, 2009


I have the best mother's day / anniversary / birthday / Christmas gift this year! We are going to New Zealand to visit my family in July. Me and the kids will stay a month. I don't mind missing the hottest part of the Texas summer at all.

Chris will go with us for 2 weeks and we're going to have a 3 day family stay in Disneyland in California on the way. It will be the kids first "Disney" experience, so they are excited to say the least!

The pictures above as well as the one on the header on my blog were taken on our last trip in 2007. It will be Kate's 6th trip and Thomas' 4th.


  1. I am so happy for you Anna, and you were worried you may not be able to go this year. ;o)

    Disneyland is awesome. We loved it, and its small enough to tackle in 2-3 days. We did it in 2.

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