Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Decorating kids style

We are really lucky in our new house that the kids have their very own "play room", it is a small open space upstairs.

Kate had taped some notes up on her door and Thomas was not to be outdone, so here is what he came up with....

The little playroom area is right by Kate's room, so she is the one that has been using it the most. The "wall art" are stickers from Dollar tree - I got 2 packs of them - so spent $2, and the kids helped me make this pattern on the wall.

There were some little holes up there by the ceiling - so I just stuck some more dots to cover those up!

and some more holes where there had been curtains hung before..... so more stickers here.....

a close up of the polka dots - the bigger ones have dandelions (I think that's what they are) on them

entertainment center - kids style - it is good to have one place to keep all their videos and DVDs - and Kate's books are here too, Thomas has a bookshelf in his room. In the basket under the tv there are extra pillows and a blanket. The message / picture board I made by wrapping an old pillow case and putting it in this frame and I used a staple gun to attach the ribbon.

There is plenty of room to put a queen size air mattress up here - so this is where Kate and her friend sleep when she stays over.

Kate and Thomas' room have a bathroom in between.

But where are the toys you ask? I am using this closet (I guess it's supposed to be a linen closet) for toys and games, and they both keep most of their personal things in their rooms.

Thanks for visiting! I mostly made this post of the fam in NZ to see but feel free to comment if you are reading!


  1. Anna, the room you have in the new house is amazing! I am so happy for you! ;o)

  2. Love your playroom! It's awesome. I especially like the stickers on the wall - great job!


  3. LOVE this too!! I am all about organizing!


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