Sunday, September 27, 2009

This weekend's yard sale finds

This coffee table I plan to paint the top white or cream. I like that is has a shelf underneath maybe for some baskets with magazines etc. Not sure where it's final place may end up, but a lot of new things start out here in the front living room. The cedar chest that was here we moved up to our bedroom.

Most people would not look twice at this ugly orange chair - but I see some potential. I am thinking of painting it white and figuring out how to reupholster it. Any ideas?

I like this little carved detail on the top.

And this one on the side.

I just can't take the orange for now though so it's in my office / library room covered in an old Ikea shower curtain. It is very comfortable though!
So stay tuned for the re-do on this chair, it may be a month or so coming though, I have been having back / leg pain on and off for 2-3 months and after several doctor visits I am now scheduled for a herniated disc surgery next Friday.
I'm hoping for a quick recovery so I can get back to my goodwill and garage sales!
I may just have to pass the time on the couch with the laptop browsing blogs for a couple of weeks. I am stocking up on some magazines and books too.
I'm linking up to:

check it out for more thrifty finds out there....


  1. Looks like you have the vision - can hardly wait to see the result ! Great finds and ideas...

  2. Sure hope you feel better soon. Chair has great bones, anxious to see the redo :~)

  3. First - hope you get to feeling better real soon. Sorry can't help on the upholstery. I have covered dining chair seats before and that is about it.

  4. You got quite a find in that old rocker! It is gorgeous and I can't wait to see what it looks like when you get some pretty fabric on there!!


  5. That is a great chair for a makeover. At first I thought the Ikea shower curtain was the after picture! Ha! I can't wait to see the real after picture. I hope the best for your surgery and recovery. Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope to hear from you again!


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