Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Halloween is coming

So in my house other than talking about what do you want to be when you grow up, or "Kate, how old will I be when you are 12?" (yes I think Thomas has finally figured out he will always be 2 years younger after asking this question many many times!) The other topic that comes up is what do you want to be for Halloween. We still need to go out shopping for costumes but so far this year I think Kate wants to be Cleopatra and Thomas some kind of super hero.

So let's take a tour back of our Halloween costumes........

2008 camp rock girl and Scooby Doo

2007 - Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and Shrek

2006 another "fairy princess" type costume and a pirate. I had bought a generic pirate costume, but Thomas was in a major Wiggles phase - which lasted about 4 years! so when I found the captain feathersword from a garage sale we had to have that one. It got a LOT of use.

this is the after assessing the candy picture

2005 Elmo and Cinderella

2004 - a little frog, I borrowed this costume from a friend

hey, get this off of me!

Another princess year - maybe a "fairy princess" this time.

2003 - Thomas was a lion and Kate an elephant

2002 before digital cameras. I had recently gone back to work teaching and Kate used to go to the school I taught at too and wore this little uniform. I couldn't find a picture of her costume this year but she was just a 'princess' which was a pink sweat suit and tutu

2001 Little Bo Peep

I made this bonnet for her and made her a little 'staff' with a coathanger and ribbon wrapped around it. We used to go to a playgroup with some other 'new Mom' friends and this was at our party.


  1. Oh my, those are some cuties! My 2 1/2 year old is dressing up for the first time this year. Should be fun! Thanks for visiting and follow my blog. I look forward to your future comments!

  2. Oh Anna, I love this blog, I love it!! It's amazing and they are so precious!


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