Monday, November 16, 2009

the San Antonio marathon

About to watch our Dad run a marathon!
early Sunday morning, it's about 7.30am and we've been up since 5am

lots of people, lots of fun

the lead runners

at mile 2 in front of the Alamo

the kids in front of the Alamo - made this the new header picture for a while on the blog. They were arguing and would not pose for the picture.

here's a good happy one though - with Chris' sister Stephanie - she flew down from Chicago to see Chris run

Superman in the wax museum

cool mosaic tile art

looking down to the riverwalk area

Nintendo DS and MP3 player to pass some time

Elvis ran the marathon. This was the "rock and roll marathon" - there were live bands every mile and Chris said along the route there were people out in their yards playing their guitars, high school bands playing etc. After going through downtown and by the Alamo the run went down south of San Antonio and past the other old missions.

Thomas had some toys to play with too.

they weren't really sleeping, just tired - we probably walked 5 or 6 miles around downtown to see various parts of the race

less than a mile to go the kids ran a little with him. The morning was cloudy, but it was humid and when the sun came out it was an 80 degree day. Chris starting feeling nauseous around 20 miles and threw up at 24 miles and after laying down about 10 minutes he was able to get back up and finish. There were several people carried off on stretchers.

Chris finished in 5 hrs, 28 minutes.
This is Rayna and Jonathan - his marathon training team!

family picture at a Mexican restaurant after the race. All sunburnt and tired. We're proud of you Chris!


  1. Good for him! What a great accomplishment and so awesome that the entire family was there to support him. Congratulations!

  2. I'm pretty sure my sister, her husband, and some friends ran that! :) She's an AF nurse stationed in San Antonio. Love the area...our grandparents' home is in Universal City, so we've spent lots of time in SA. Great Alamo photos! Thanks for the visit today. :)

  3. Sounds like a great family day, and what a great accomplishment for him! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving...

    pk @ Room Remix


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