Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A reading chair

It's been a while since I shared one of my Goodwill finds, most of my visits lately I haven't found anything good, but I really love this little chair I found a few weeks back. I was going to have it in my office, but I thought it would fit much better in my daughter's room. I love the cream color fabric and the ruffle skirt!
It was $19, I think pretty good for a unique piece of furniture.


  1. DARN IT ANNA! I have found nothing lately at Goodwill and I need a reading chair! This is a great find! Good job!

  2. I love goodwill too...and love, love this sweet little chair. What a lucky find.

  3. I found a chair at auction that is a twin to that one, except it had some nasty shiny fabric. That chair was a steal and the fabric is great. Nice find!

  4. We don't have a good will were I live, but we are at our beach place and there is one here and we are getting ready to go!! I'm so excited... Wonder what I will find?

  5. And..it is a good reading chair, as my daughter insists on being read to every night. Way more comfortable than the Barbie fold up lawn chair


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