Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Going Gray

On Sunday I painted our family room a very soft gray (seashell gray from Lowes).
Before it was a gold color (looks more yellow in this picture)

and here are some after pictures - sorry not very good pictures, it was gray and rainy outside when I took them.  Right now I have not brought much back into the room in the way of accessories, I am liking the clean and uncluttered look, but I will need to at least bring back in some lamps.
someone's doing homework

the candle sconces are new - from Southern living at home

doing reading homework now.  Notice the gray under the counter too - this was supposed to be the same color, (it was the small test sample) - it came out darker than when I purchased the gallon for the walls

And nothing at all like my room, but I found my inspiration for painting the room gray at the blog Dreamy Whites
Check it out for more beautiful pictures like this:

 and this:

So I do have more to do on my room for it to be this pretty, but the wall color is a start, right?



  1. i like it, its very neutral and will go with anything! I love bold dramatic colors but then you get limited with the rest of your decor so I love the neutral tones. very nice!

  2. What a gorgeous paint color, I love it! Your home is so pretty.

  3. Anna, it looks great and it should look for an old door or shutter to put in there. ;o)

  4. I love that color gray! Great choice. And your drapes are gorgeous!

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Typically I'm not a big fan of grey paint, but I love it in your room! It looks serene and peaceful. I have three boys ages 7, 5 and 2, so I could use some peace in my house! Great job.

  6. Love the grey!!!!!!! :) So fresh and clean looking. :)

  7. Dear Anna,
    Thank you for the kind email. I am so glad you sent me a link to your blog. Your home is beautiful. I love the gray. I love your fireplace. That window above it is so beautiful. Thanks for putting a link to me as well. I am now a happy follower!
    Take Care,

  8. I like the gray that is going around now. It seems so soothing. I just repainted the whole downstairs and up hall a creamy khaki..I love the neutral of it.

  9. Yes..I have totally been in to GRAy too! Good choice

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog! So glad you did- your blog is lovely! looking forward to more perusing here!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog! So glad you did- your blog is lovely! looking forward to more perusing here!


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