Monday, February 8, 2010

some Goodwill finds

Found a new Goodwill yesterday and picked up some good things.

This little painting was $3.99
I really like this frame

Some good books for my classroom - 59c each, and the little silver dish, copper bucket and stoneware bowl were all 99c each.


  1. Awesome finds Anna! The frame and picture are my fav! Love it!

  2. 59 cents for children's books? Your Goodwill has great prices! They're 78 cents here--still cheap, but not as great as yours.

    ~ Sarah

  3. 1. I hope you'll post about your new curtains. I haven't convinced T to hang the blinds I bought, but I'm so proud of myself just going ahead and buying them already. :)

    2. Thank you so much for putting my button on your blog!! That makes me smile. :)


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