Monday, March 29, 2010

Kate's Birthday

We celebrated Kate's 9th birthday last week, as Chris was saying, she is 1/2 way to graduating from high school! How did she grow up so fast?

home-made "red velvet" cupcakes - with strawberry cream cheese icing

pink lemonade

the little "goody bags" for her friends - a bow, some lotion and M&Ms

azaleas from our yard

fun with friends
If you watch the video you'll see our little dog Molly, she really wants a cupcake too!


  1. Happy Belated Birthday to Kate~!!
    Those cupcakes look yummy. so many smiling faces, it doesnt get better than that..
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a kind comment..

    Have a "Sonny" Day


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