Friday, June 4, 2010

Spray paint project

a quick change today for the hardware on my desk, I used oil rubbed bronze spray paint:

and my husband took down the light fixture and it got the same treatment.  I hung it from a hook in the garage and used my drop cloth behind it and I taped off the white parts and covered where the bulbs are screwed in.

In the picture it looks almost black, but the finish is a really nice shiny dark bronze.

Here's what it looks like hung in my office.

a close up and looking into the living room.  I think I'll have to paint the door handles and brassy hinges to match too.

this one shows the shiny texture, and the spray paint didn't 100% cover so there is a little gold coming through in some parts, but I think it gives it more of an antique look, not perfect! (and I am missing a couple of light bulbs), it's on the list :)

This picture below is the only one I could find of the light in the room before, and this was also before I painted the desk.

I have a few more projects planned around the house and garden, as well as some trips this month with my Mum visiting.  Yeah for summertime!  Today was my first official day off from my teaching job.

Another thing I've been adding to is the family picture wall by the stairway.

In July we have a family trip planned to Chicago and Washington DC, and whatever else we find on the way there and back!

linking to:
funky junk interiors

and the power of paint party


  1. The knobs (handles) look awesome painted. I just used that same spray paint for the first time and am loving the look.

  2. That bit of paint made all the difference in the world, it all looks wonderful!

  3. that is some neat stuff! Your office looks awesome. Wish I had one :)

  4. everything looks great! Love the desk and the chandelier. Removing hinges would be a lot of trouble, but hey! since you're off for the summer... why not?
    enjoy your summer!

  5. love the family picture wall you are starting. I need to do that but have trouble figuring out where to start on the staircase!


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