Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer fun

the kids have enjoyed having Nana staying with us from New Zealand.
we went to Hermann Park one day and rode the train
and saw Pinocchio at the Miller outdoor theater
Kate had softball camp last week
last weekend we went to the Bluebell creamery for the tour of the icecream factory
and to the Monument Hill state park in La Grange
and went to one of these "painted churches"
(pictures do not do this justice, it was so beautiful inside)

plenty of relaxing at home too.  Kate has been learning how to knit.

Molly has been getting lots of walks
and fun at the pool

How is your summer?


  1. Y'all are busy!! We did enjoy Toy Story! :) Thanks for the visit. :)

  2. Looks like your having a wonderful summer, ours is off to a great start too :)


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