Sunday, February 20, 2011

Original Art from Goodwill

Some of my favorite "art" I have found in the last few years from unexpected places - Goodwill and other antique shops.

This latest painting was only $2.99.
We have a dream of having a little cabin on our family farm sometime in the next few years, so this painting had a sentimental reason for the purchase.

This print I loved the frame and primed and painted over the print...... (it was only $5 from an antique shop), and is BIG - about 3.5 feet wide.  Not all "antique" shops are expensive, especially in small towns.
and now we have this framed chalkboard:
this is another original painting, I have no idea of the history behind it.  The detail is amazing.

These other ones below were from Goodwill too.

These pieces may not be the BEST art in the world, or have any monetary value at all, but I wonder what the story behind them all are, someone created these and they may have been many hours of work.  For whatever reason they were not wanted anymore, but they are appreciated in my house now.

Have you found any art at Goodwill lately?

1 comment:

  1. Great finds. I can't believe you found that beautiful large frame for only $5. I would have grabbed it at that price too.

    I guess I better check out some antique shops.

    The last one I was going to check out wouldn't allow purses in because of the 'damage they cause'..... well some antique shops have been known to 'damage' my wallet too!


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