Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Painted black chairs

Painting 1 chair is easy, but painting 6 chairs takes a little more effort and leaves your painting hand sore at the end of the day.

I painted my chairs black a couple of years ago.  (I did it the easy way - spray paint).
I offered to paint chairs for a friend and thought as it was so hot I didn't want to be in and out of the garage all day doing more coats of spray paint.

The chairs looked like this to begin with.

The living room painting studio - first I did the back spindles, frame and the seat...
Then I put them on a table to more easily do the legs and the spindles on the bottom.

Do you like my spiderman drop cloth? 
I used this primer...

4 down, 2 to go

then on goes the black paint....

Now a day later, all dry and ready to go.  I am going to put a coat of wax on to hopefully protect the finish, as my friend has 3 little kids so they will be well used.

This is the same paint I used on our bed.  I like the shiny but not too glossy finish.


  1. you are a brave soul- i hate painting those kind of chairs- all those spindles!!!!! you have the patience of a saint and it paid off!

  2. Your the kinda friend I like. How nice of you to paint your friends chairs.
    My kitchen chairs are on my list of things to paint so thanks for the inspiration.

  3. They look great, that's a lot of hard work! Love your drop cloth!

  4. Anna, the chairs look great! This gives me hope that I could do a table I have that needs painting. Did you sand them down first, or just use the primer?


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