Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

It's a busy time of year with school for me and the kids, softball season is almost over and we're all looking forward to summer and swimming and Nana coming to stay from New Zealand.

I made a nice little craft with the kids in my class for them to take home for their Moms for Mother's day.  Another teacher gave me these boxes that a parent had donated.  I painted them at home and then had the kids make a fingerprint ladybug, or some did caterpillars.  On the back I printed a little paper that says "Home is where the heart is, with love and kisses this Mother's day......."
Inside I cut a picture to fit (printed on regular paper) and glued it in using modge podge to seal it.  Then each child put a few Hershey "kissses" inside and wrapped it up.  They were very excited to take these home.

Thomas brought home this cute book, a few things in it like:

My mom can do many things!  I think she's best at
"workig at importint thigs"

My mom is as pretty as a

My mom is smart!  She even knows
"how to teach"

I like to tell my mom
"Shes the best mom in the univers"

And the funny one:
When my mom has free time she likes to
"lay on the couch"

"She is butiful and hugiebel"

To Nana / Mum in New Zealand - Happy Mother's Day!!!
And to my other friends and readers of this blog who are Moms, enjoy your special day.

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