Thursday, July 15, 2010

Favorite IKEA finds

Holly from the blog Homebody is having an IKEA party today.  This is an easy one for me to join, I love IKEA and can go around my house and find things to take pictures of in almost every room.

I have a couple of these little galvanized pots.  Right now I have little ferns in them, but I've also used them on my desk for markers and supplies for the kids.
I love the lamps from IKEA - this shade is from there (the cute base I actually found at Goodwill this week)
Pillows and pillow covers.  I have had these ones for a long time.  I love that they have washable covers and the down pillow inserts keep their shape.
This table is solid and we're using it in the kids' playroom right now but I've used it as a side table in my dining room at my old house, and also in my living room as a sofa table.  I like to move things around a lot!
this chair at Kate's desk was originally black, then pink, now white.  And there is another lamp (the base) from IKEA.
this doll bed was natural wood, I painted it pink.  
IKEA photo canvas in our bedroom
CD cabinet (we don't actually store many CDs in it anymore, Chris has all his music digital now)
IKEA bedoom side tables
this was my most recent IKEA purchase - long drapes for the bedroom $14.99 a pair.

Check out Holly's blog for more.


  1. That is the cutest lamp shade, and it goes perfectly with your GW lamp! I like those pillows, too.
    Thanks for joining my party!

  2. Okay that's it! I gotta find me an IKEA near me. I'm really missing out here.

  3. You've done a great job of incorporating some good IKEA finds into your home. I love the little doll bed---you gave me a good idea for Christmas! :)


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