Thursday, July 15, 2010

vacation 2010 - Part 4

Our last day in Maryland we drove down to Mt Vernon (George Washington's home). 
I took a picture of this cabinet to remind me I need to paint something this color.
This was in the rooms that was the servants quarters.
You're not allowed to take pictures inside the house, but it is restored to how it looked when Washington lived there, a lot of the furniture and things are original to the house.  I really enjoyed it, but it was a bit boring for the kids!
It is a really pretty location right on the Potomac river.

The next day we packed up and headed for one of our stopovers on the way home (Knoxville, Tennessee).  We made a detour through the Shendandoah National Park.
It was a change in scenery and temperature.
After a night in Tennessee we made it back down to the Gulf Coast.
Spent a little time on Biloxi beach.  Sad to see that there was no one there.  We did not see any signs of the oil spill, the beach itself was clean, probably whatever has washed ashore there is cleaned up each day.  It is very eerie to go to a beach like this there be no one there.
Sunset over Louisiana.
And our last night on vacation in New Orleans.
Went to the Cafe Du Monde for some beignets.
mmmmm, sugar!

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