Thursday, July 15, 2010

vacation 2010 - Part 3

Day 2 in Washington DC started out early.  We rode the train into the city and got tickets for the Ford Theatre.  This is where Lincoln was shot.  There is a museum and then you get to go sit in the theater and a park ranger gives a talk for about 30 minutes.  The theater has been restored and it is actually used for plays again too.
We saw a lot of these "segway tours" going on around the city -
Next up the National Archives.  We were going to see this, but there was a waiting line, so we decided to move on.
On to the National Gallery of Art
this building is beautiful, my pictures do not do it justice
taking the pathway to the modern art museum
this painting above was done entirely with fingerprints, it is really amazing
Back out into the heat now to the Capitol building
Chris decided it was time to take a run.  He ran around this reflection pool, (which is much bigger than it looks in this picture).
The kids and I sat under a shade tree while Chris went back to the Library of Congress.  We had a close encounter with a much too tame squirrel until Thomas chased him off.
Chris got back with his book purchase so on to the Botanical Gardens -
A short stop at the American Indian museum
Then another train ride to Arlington National cemetery
Back to the city, what else can we squeeze into one day?
saw some softball games being played under the Washington monument
World war II memorial
Thomas needed a ride by 
this point.

(Kate and I got in on Chris' self portrait)
one last look at the White House
and a last train ride back to the hotel
If you made it this far thanks for looking at our pictures!
Coming up Part 4 - some more sights in Virginia and our trip back to Texas......

1 comment:

  1. I made it this far!! These are some AMAZING photo's Anna! I wish I could tell you a favorite I have but I love so many! What a blast they had!!


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