Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day of painting

I have been thinking of painting my bedroom furniture for a while, since before I wrote this post.  Last night I bought a quart $8 can of black paint and got started.

Here is what the bed looked like BEFORE:
The bedroom was green when we first moved in last year, then I painted it gray this year.

Here is the AFTER picture:

As well as painting the bed and tables I painted this chest we have the TV on.

It is a change from my usual paint everything white, but I love it, it is like having brand new furniture.

The paint I used was Valspar latex enamel satin from Lowes

Linking to piece of work Wednesday

and the power of paint party


  1. The furniture looks great! Huge difference!

  2. The bed looks amazing! I love the wall color and print above the bed, too. Jelous of your relaxing bedroom!

  3. it looks beautiful! love the new bedding, too!

  4. The bed looks PHENOMENAL! I love crisp black! Thanks for stopping by Rustic Whimsy!

  5. Wow! What a great change for the better!

    Take care,

  6. Wow on quart of paint and it looks totally different. What a change that made - you are right it is like new furniture.


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