Friday, July 29, 2011

Painted book shelf

 Here is a "before" of my bookshelf.  I had stained it this dark walnut a few years ago.

And after light and bright (painted light gray)

notice something else "new" in the picture.  This is Emmy, she is a beautiful 3 year old cat, we adopted her from the SPCA.

My green chair is her favorite place.

the shelf is a good place to display some of my thrifty finds, all these (except the little cup on the left) are from garage sales or Goodwill
the milk glass pieces are all thrifty finds too 

some of my owls and other little things collected

my office is also home to some of my other favorite painted pieces too.  This white chest of drawers I use to store all my scrapbooking and craft supplies

this cabinet

Emmy approves of the room, it gets a lot of morning sun

I thought of one more thing in this room I've painted!  The light fixture!

Here is a "before" picture of the whole space, the only thing I'd painted so far was the chairs.....
and "now" - the french door can only open a little on the left side now because the bookshelf is behind it now.

I got that heavy antique mirror that sits on the sewing machine table for $5 last weekend.

My family is very used to me in my "painting clothes" now.  At least in a couple of weeks I will be back to my teaching job and not so much spare time to just paint!

linking to:

Domestically Speaking


  1. The bookshelf looks wonderful painted white and tucked in behind the chair. I want to do something similar here.

  2. This is beautiful! And your home is so beautiful too!

    I'm your newest follower - and I'm a TX gal too! :)

  3. Hi! Everything in your pictures is just gorgeous...what a beautiful home you have! I'm now following along :)
    Cas x

  4. I love all of your painting projects Anna!! You have been super busy! I must say how much I just adore Emmy as well! We adopted both of our fur babies from the Spca as well! Going on 10 and 9 now! Seems like it was yesterday. The boys want a third but two is enough.


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