Thursday, October 15, 2009

Kate's room

So now Kate is pretty computer savvy and has been enjoying reading my blog and looking at the pictures, so I thought she would like me to blog about her room too as I did one this week on Thomas' room and his new bed.
And no one in my family has got come come out and stay with us in our new house since we moved in April, maybe my Mum will come out next summer (hint hint Nana, I know you are reading this!) so I thought they would like to see her room too. Being home on leave this week it's been good to get a little organizing and cleaning done while the kids are at school!

her new pink guitar
her dresser I blogged about here.
this is one of my favorite things, one of my students (3 year old) drew this for me when I was pregnant with Kate - you see the little tiny person inside the big person.
desk and stuff
the little pink polka dot dog was from Goodwill and I think it originally is from Victoria's Secret, but Kate loves dogs and it matches her sheets which were under $10 from Ross.
my Mum gave this to Kate when she was a baby - I recently painted the frame white
just a few decorations and one of her softball trophies
a girl's gotta have her bows - we do live in Texas after all!
I love the windows in her room. I got these curtains from Wal-mart. They are actually from the disney princess line.
The American girls Kit and Ruthie with their Target imitation friends. This little doll bed we've had since Kate was little - it's from IKEA - I spray painted it pink for her new room when we moved.
She wanted the walls painted pink, but I think there is enough pink in the room that the neutral wall color looks ok. And probably she might not like pink so much in a few years and will want a change of decor.


  1. That picture that your student drew is precious!

  2. @cheapchichome. I love your girl's room. Mine are too old and opinionated for me to pull something like this off! I love the display with the pink cowboy (oops cowgirl) hat! P.S. I love your banner pic.

  3. What a sweet room...I think it will grow with her. Love the curtains and that you were able to use something from the Princess line without having Ariel's face plastered all over the room. :)

  4. What a beautiful room and only a princess can have those windows for star gazing at night!! I love the drawing and the dresser, very special! The guitar rocks too :)

  5. Awwww..what a sweet lil room. I really love that little drawing made for you..precious!

  6. What a pretty room...beautiful! I went to college in Texas for one year, in the early eighties. Bows were very "in" for big girls then, too! We midwesterners called the Texas girls Bowheads.

  7. oh my gosh! I had the same dresser, and the hutch and nightstand too, when I was her age. My mom sent it off to goodwill when we got a new set.


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