Monday, October 12, 2009

Some furniture now for my living room

So the big bonus about getting Thomas a new bed is that we had our futon we could move down to the living room (by "we", I mean Chris dragged the futon downstairs by himself) to use as a couch until I could get this couch I have been wanting from IKEA:

I used a white duvet cover over the futon matress, so it almost looks like I have a pretty white slipcovered couch!

the family photo table

view from the other side - I have a basket for shoes, which maybe I need a better storage solution because my daughter has too many shoes and so they are all downstairs by the end of the week, so don't look to close at this picture, I didn't want to pick up all those shoes.

this little chest of drawers I have had a couple of years - another garage sale purchase it was $15, the only thing I did to it was change out the knobs. This is my husband's old typewriter.
and my $10 chair I recently made over

I love the big windows in here, I think this will be the perfect place for a Christmas tree in front of the window so it can be all lit up. It's nice to have another "living room" to be able to sit and read or whatever.


  1. Anna, It probably was your blog where I read about the Target cabinet pulls, so THANK YOU! We saved quite a bit of $$ on knobs and they had a better selection than even Home Depot. I really love your chair redo. Such a pretty fabric. Hope you have a great week!

  2. I forgot to tell you as soon as I saw your title I figured you were from NZ. I have a cousin who is a missionary to NZ.


  3. Thanks for stopping by. :) I LOVE that IKEA couch...I've seen where several bloggers have that couch and it's held up well. I wouldn't be able to keep it white, but I LOVE the look. :)

  4. Thanks for visiting. I think preschoolers would love to make these. You could definitely simplify them. I love your chair re-do. It looks amazing.

  5. Ha! That's my couch! We bought it about 4 years ago and I absolutely love it. It's a little stiff at first, but it's pretty comfy. I also love that I can get a brand new slipcover once a year for $50. One warning, though...the slipcovers shrink and the zippers break pretty easily. Geat ready to use safety pins and do some major pulling to get them back on.

  6. that's good to get a review on the couch. I figured that would be the case on the slipcovers, but it's good that the new slipcovers are not too expensive.

  7. Ann, everything is so pretty! Your floors are gorgeous and I LOVE the chair you redid! Great windows and you are right, perfect spot for the Christmas Tree!

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!

    Lou Cinda:)

  8. I have wanted one of those couches for a while! My friend just got one a couple weeks ago, and she loves it.
    Meanwhile, your futon is doing a good stand-in job!
    Oh, and your chair is fan.tas.tic!

  9. Anna, you asked about my taco soup recipe...I just used what I had, not a true recipe. But I did answer you in my comments section and told what I did use.


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